VC is the shizna

Super-stoked (yes, I'm originally from Nor-Cal), to be on the VC team. Utter domination of the Stazio crit this last weekend, even without the apt services of went up the road with dangerman donald, but we knew chuckles would get the sprint, so tried to sit on the chase group, and do just enough work to hold off the peloton. Nicol seemed angry after he crashed and I ran over his legs, so pulls the breakaway back with 2 to go. This gives Dirk a chance to take a dig. Garcia blows up chasing, and Donald rips it the last time up the hill to catch Dirk over the top. 300 meters to go, and since no-one is sprinting yet, I decide to go for a long one. My early jump and relatively fresh legs give me a couple lengths over Chuck, who handily takes 2nd in front of Nicol. So refreshing to race with guys who actually understand tactics.
Don't believe the hype
So chuckles says "We'll wait for it to warm up and just roll out at 11 for a couple hours easy". Well, 2.5 hours later, I'm in a blizzard fixing a flat by the side of the diagonal; abandoned by our small group (one of whom is riding a flat "it's too cold to stop" he said).
My sweet wife picks me up 20 minutes later at Amante in NB, saving me the horror of an additional 35 minutes of riding up the canyon.
A new menace on the roads
Another example of how overmedicated this country is becoming.
Sleepdrivers. Think this will cause a drug recall? I doubt it.
Snow: crystallized water, or an excuse to ride my commuter bike?

Forcast is for cold temps over the next few days; but the training plan dictates the usual 2 hours per day during the week. I hate riding nowhere in front of the TV, so lugged the commuter bike (formerly my racing 'cross bike of the past 4 years) out of the shed and took off down canyon. Not having a proper commuter bike until recently has meant that I don't get a lot of practice riding into work in inclement weather, and it showed this morning. Coming into a hard corner over a wooden bridge on the bike path, I slipped out. One split second before making the turn, I remember thinking to myself "I should slow down for this one" . Slight scrape on the elbow seems to be the only damage.